Right were do i start, its a funny one this, i got a phone call from the missus the other day to say alot of our fish were dying out of the blue, so i got home as soon as i could tested the water, there was a tad of nitrite in 0.1, nitrate was quiet high, ph 7.5, ammonia 0, so i had a look at the fish and they looked very lathargic and up a the top mostly (we have 2 excellent airstones) so im looking thinking id best do a big water change fast, so i did a 95% water change they then seemed to pickup abit after that so i turned everything back on and after a while the water seemed to go abit foggy and then the fish were back to being lathargic and up at the top and also sort of twitching abit, so i then cleaned the filter media in tank water (wasnt even that dirty) turned everything back on, no change. so i thought right il take the about 10 dead fish and a sample to the lfs see what they think, they were just asking have we got airstones, sometimes this happens etc, not much help really but there you go, so this morning, i got up to find another 2 fish dead, so i did a 50% change and have left everything off apart from the pump and they seem to be picking up now apart from 1 black male molly which is at the back at the bottom and it looks like its gone crazy just sort of rocking :s bizarre!
can anyone help or have any ideas as to whats going on in my tank please
thanks gaz
was thinking maybe it could be something to do with the heater or airstones now maybe?
can anyone help or have any ideas as to whats going on in my tank please
thanks gaz
was thinking maybe it could be something to do with the heater or airstones now maybe?