Plant: Anubias afzellii
Quantity for sale: two reasonable cuttings
Sales price: £4.00 each
Postage: £3.00
Payment methods: bank transfer (preferred), Postal Order, Paypal and Google Checkout (buyer covers all fees)
Given that all bar one member on here have not taken care of the fees when sending me a Paypal payment over the last three months, if you chose to pay by Paypal, you have to send £7.45 for one plant or £11.59 for both and if you have sent it in such a way that I do not have to pay fees, I will refund the extra.
Quantity for sale: two reasonable cuttings
Sales price: £4.00 each
Postage: £3.00
Payment methods: bank transfer (preferred), Postal Order, Paypal and Google Checkout (buyer covers all fees)
Given that all bar one member on here have not taken care of the fees when sending me a Paypal payment over the last three months, if you chose to pay by Paypal, you have to send £7.45 for one plant or £11.59 for both and if you have sent it in such a way that I do not have to pay fees, I will refund the extra.