Snail Problem


Nov 1, 2011
Reaction score
swansea, wales
I've just noticed a snail in my fry tank but haven't added and plants or fish since it was set-up. The plants are from my large community tank and they were in there for weeks so I can't understand where he has come from.

It looks like the first snail pic in the hitchikers guided pinned at the top but instead of the snails shell being upright its more flat if that makes sense. Can a snail just appear in a tank
Well, it can't just appear spontaneously from nowhere! It will probably have come from your main tank; perhaps you have something in there that eats them?
Yeah most probally the barbs love eating them so perhaps he was hiding in the plants and got moved into the other tank will he do any harm to my fry or can I leave him in there?
It won't do any harm but the cause of a growth in snail population is over feeding, so really be careful not to leave any excess food in there.

If its just one snail, I would take it out now rather than risk more appearing, but I hate snails!
If it is tiny and the shell is soft jst squeeze it and let your fish eat it. I did that to one I found. Sounds cruel but I didn't want to become over run as I have read has happened to many people
Thanks guys I might leave him tho its only a small tank so If I get a problem It should be a bit easier to sort
Sort the problem if it gets to that point with Assassin Snail - did the trick for me when i got overwhelmed with snails! :good:
assassins are awsome i have quite a few of them. crazzy little things.
I wanted assasin snails but have a zebra snail so can't have any even though my zebra is quite big (1.5cm approx) :(
I wanted assasin snails but have a zebra snail so can't have any even though my zebra is quite big (1.5cm approx) :(

I have an assassin and zebra snail together. It would take a really hungry assassin to take on a big snail like that.

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