My friend might be giving me her unused 2.5 gallon tank to me. A Betta could possibly go in it alone but I think it may be a little too cramped. I had choices between mosquito fish, killifish, or 3 shrimp. I'll buy a little heater suitable for the tank. The question is, is a small tank like that even worth testing the water or cycling? Also, what are/is the small species of mosquito fish or killifish? Where can I find that species? How many of those can I have? I would really like to try out sand instead of regular gravel. I fear that sand is WAY too hard to have. How do you clean sand and KEEP it clean?
I do understand that a 2.5 is quite small and can't take much. I cannot keep a 2.5 as my hospital tank because I was forced to give up fish keeping since my fish grew too big. I cannot fork out $70-$100 for a new 5-10 gallon aquarium and supplies when I am saving up for a $350 school trip in March.I love aquatics and would like to have a little something.
I do understand that a 2.5 is quite small and can't take much. I cannot keep a 2.5 as my hospital tank because I was forced to give up fish keeping since my fish grew too big. I cannot fork out $70-$100 for a new 5-10 gallon aquarium and supplies when I am saving up for a $350 school trip in March.I love aquatics and would like to have a little something.