My only male cherry barb over the last couple of weeks had trouble swimming - his tail was sinking. He has now been resting on the bottom of the tank for 2 days and is only moving when disturbed by a passing cory. He's still brightly coloured, same size - no bloating and he's not gasping at all - seems quite peaceful in fact. Water quality fine and all other fish (2 corys., 2 dwarf honeys, small loach, 4 female barbs (one being his daughter
) in 63L tank doing well. He's over 4 years old as he is the first fish I got. Is he just dying of old age?
I've tried searching but apart from poor water quality (which is not the case here) no other suggestions as to what it could be.
Hope I've posted this correctly as it's my first post.
Hope I've posted this correctly as it's my first post.