Wooooow, ok, this tank went downhill very fast! I came home about 25 minutes ago and found lots of dead fish...the stocking was
6 harlequin rasboras
6 panda corydoras
1 dalmation Molly
I do water changes every other day and vacuum substrate. Water sits at 77, lots of plants...no chemicals added. Didn't even notice, but I guess my rasboras are very Ill as well....I found 2 of them dead and another 1 of the corycats wedged under a decoration (still breathing). The rasboras are covered in this white, almost mucus looking stuff...its like a horror seen watching them trying desperately to school, I just now removed the Molly into a 2.5 gallon temporarily because he was pecking at them....I'm really at a loss as to what to do, I'm scheduled to leave Monday and was planning on bringing the fish in sunday. I was planning on shutting the tank down and giving all the fish to a lfs..now I have 4 very sick rasboras, which I won't be surprised to find dead, a dalmation Molly who could be diseased in a small 2.5 gallon (cycled and heated) and 6 corycats 2 which are pretty much gone.
Wow, and just yesterday everything seemed fine, never had a tank go downhill so fast....nor this many casualties, it's really despressing ;(.