Siamese Fighting Fish Tank Too Big? Or Fish Scaring Him?


Fish Fanatic
Aug 4, 2011
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Hi boys and girls,

I've got a 142 litre tank (according to the site calculator). I have a some corries and a few platies. I recently added a male swordtail and a Male Siamese Fighting Fish. In the store the fighting fish was with the swordtails and looked lively so I thought I'd try it in with my other fish. As the fighter first went in, it kind of started staring my fish out for a few seconds but then hasn't seem to be bothered since.

The problem is the fighter fish seems to just storm up and down from one side of the tank to the other at the back. It never comes to the front of the tank to explore or anything like that. Before you shout at me I do have a back up tank, he can go in with my clown pleco in a 71 litre tank! I have thought this through a bit haha
He just seems a bit lost?

Also, how will I feed him as he doesn't seem interested in my flake food. I would buy him betta pellets but worried my other fish will just eat them before he has chance, so was trying to find something they could all eat. I could feed bloodworms but surely this isn't a good idea to feed daily.

How long has he been in there? I can't work that bit out. They can take a while to settle in and it's not unusual for them to stop eating for a while either. They're very picky and easy to unsettle.

I'd say it took my female fighter a good 10 days after I moved her into my community tank from her own 10 gallon, she wouldnt eat and stayed hidden near the filter, now she eats anything I put in there and explores everywhere all the time.

I also manage to feed her a few of her own pellets quite easily, wait til she's at the surface and just drop them in front of her while distracting the other fish with food at the other end.
Thanks for your reply, I only put him in yesterday, maybe he will settle down in a week then. Will have to keep my fingers crossed! If not I will move him into my other tank and see if he's any better in that one. I will buy some pellets then and see if I can catch him near the surface. He's a bit scared of me at the moment though. Swordtail has settled down well though, eating like crazy!
Male Betta's really need their own tank. They very rarely get on with any tank mates, and will be much happier in their own 5-10 gallon planted tank.

A 71 litre with just a clown pleco would certainly be an improvement though.
I would give him a good fortnight. They're not ideal community fish but it CAN work, the tank doesn't sound too heavily stocked which can be stressful for them, and make sure you have plenty of nooks and crannies and plant cover.

Thing to bear in mind is he is the main fish in that tank now and if you want more fish in there you're going to have to base it round him. If you haven't finished stocking the tank in might be better to move him now before it gets too busy in there.
Aww well I might put him in his own tank then with a few shrimp or something.
I had a male fighter in a community, and although there was no fighting, he wasnt the best fish to have in there as he spent a lot of time at the back of the tank at the top (going along the length) but the problem is that area was quite shaded so it meant i coud barely see him, and never saw his colours shine, theyre better in little tanks with good lights and some colour in the tank like plants
I had a betta in a community tank. It didnt work out.
He was constantly patroling. I put him in his own 5gal tank abd the difference is astounding.
He's a much happier fish.

If you want the best for all the fish concerned put the betta in his own tank. Minnimum size I would suggest is 5 gal.

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