

Fish Crazy
Feb 8, 2013
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Can't find my small cherry shrimp in my aquarium anywhere I see my amano shrimp quite often... Is there anyway to find out if there still there??
shrimp are known to attack each other if one if sick or dying.... he could have been attacked and eaten or is hiding... you can uproot everything to try to find it, but that'll stress them out so you need to just play the waiting game.
Well I have 5 small cherry shrimp an 2 bigger amano shrimp.... I have a felling they might be gone.... Seen one bout 2 weeks ago on a bit of driftwood but no sign of any since...
Cheery shrimp are very good at hiding so if you must find them move everything around and check underneath all the decor you have. They may still be there.  
I think I might just wait an see if they show up don't want to stress the rest of my tank....
I had added half a dozen cherry shrimp to a large community tank. I didn't see them for months. We then moved and had to empty out the tank. Needless to say, we found 4 of them hiding. I have 6 of them now in my 20g with a Betta and almost never see them, although I know they are there...
I have about 30 cherry shrimp in my community tank... and I only ever see about 5 of them... mine all hide around the bogwood where the plants are thickest.
Also I think it depends a lot on what fish you have in the tank, in my community tank I only have small fish where the largest is a Halequin Rasbora (apart from my BN Plec) so all my 100+ Cherry Shrimp sit out in the open because they see no threat from the fish. If you have larger fish that could eat the shrimp they are more than likley going to hide.
Last year I did put a pair of Electric Blue Rams in my tank and they ate a few shrimp and from that day onwards I didnt see many shrimp around, once the Rams succomed (died) due to my hard water the shrimp came out of hiding.
Ok I will go with there still der somewhere. All my fish are small biggest fish I have is one of my cories an the other fish are rummy nose an serpae tetras....
I had a large female Amano shrimp... she simply seen the small Cherry shrimp i once bought as 3 for £5 midnight snacks. I even caught her trapping and eating one.
PS- She is the one in my signature. I wouldn't mess with her.

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