Shrimp With Discus?

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Fish Crazy
Oct 29, 2011
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Are these safe together?

I've had a look on some sites and they advise against it, but I just wanted a second opinion off you guys :)

I'm presuming shrimp would get along with some Rams and a pair of Apistos?

What kind of shrimps? I have shrimps living with mine, but the shrimps are quite big. They are around 1.5 to 2 inches. Every now and then the Discus get them when they shed their shell, but generally they have no problems, and I have 18 greedy Discus in there, so no problems. I have to be honest, and say I don't know the type of shrimps I have, but they are similar to Bamboo shrimp.
theres really no need for shrimps in a discus tank. i have bamboo shrimp with guppys and mollies. i added some cherry red and yellow shrimps. they were munched.
These guys. As you can see they are similar size to a fully grown Sterbai Cory. I have a bunch of them as a clean up crew, as they get in all the little nooks and crannies that are difficult to vacuum

Perhaps the large growing and tropical loving Atya gabonensis (African Fan Shrimp) could work, depending upon how much water flow there was in the Discus tank (Atya do well in high current tanks, I don't know how adaptable they are)?

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