Shrimp/snail Safe Ich Treatment?


May 23, 2012
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I have a dwarf gourami and some black phantom tetras in with amano shrimp and assassin snails. I suspect the gourami may have ich, but not sure - he has one white spot but is showing no odd behaviour. All other fish appear normal. I'd like to get some medication on hand to use if I am able to confirm ich but I know some is not safe for invertebrates. Can anyone recommend a treatment that is shrimp and snail safe? Or am I better off moving the shrimp and snails out during possible ich treatment?
I actually know of a really good treatment that is availalable in Australia,its a broad spectrum medication and I have found it to be shrimp, tetra, loach , catfish and fry, shrimplet and egg safe.

I don't know if you could buy it online but here is a link

sorry in abit of a hurry the medication is the broaed spectrum stuff on this page.
My amano shrimps survived King British original formula ws3 used at half dose (I have loaches so had to use the lower dose). They weren't happy, they hid for the duration but they are still alive a year later. I couldn't catch them so they had to take their chance. The snails are probably a different matter though. I removed my nerites - much easier to catch than shrimps - until all the med was removed by carbon, then underworld polyfilter. Just keep them in a container with a lid with small holes in and change the water every day.

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