Shrimp Question


Fish Fanatic
Jul 16, 2013
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Hi, I just wanted to know if shrimp are good with any substrate.
I have gravel and read this was not so good for corys so thought i might just skip them for now and have shrimp instead. 
I assume any shrimp can go in a 54 litre tank ? 
Shrimp are fine with gravel, most fish will munch shrimp if they fit into their mouths so choose shrimp accordingly
Not all, some are harder to breed, red cherries breed like rabbits
@ bullgoose - yes they are fine, i have seen people keep them on gravel, sand. i am keeping my cherry shrimp on some fertile soil style substrate which they seem to love, i personally don't know much about shrimp but from what i see they are not like cory's (who filter sand through there gills, this is why cory's are best on sand) and shrimp don't do this so i cant see why they can not be kept on gravel, also they are VERY good algae cleaners from my experience and yes sadly will get eaten by most fish i am keeping mine on there own in a separate tank with a just a few snails
@Arcticfox1977 - YES omg YES, i stated of with around 12 i now have 20, in a little as a month from when i bought the original 12, give it a year and probably have 100 of these guys, they will breed rapidly and quickly but it also depends on what type of shrimp you get i guess and if the conditions are good for them
so what do you do if the shrimp population spirals out  of control ? or does population level of of its own accord ?
Could to many shrimp have a negative effect and damage the other fish.
My tank is containing 4 guppies just now. Nothing will be added until cycled, but i want to settle on the eventual final tank
Its 54 litres
would this be ok   4 guppies (male)
                            6 celestial pearl danio OR 4 otocinclus
                            2 assasin snails
                            red cherry shrimp
and could i add a honey gourami to that or is that pushing it to far ???
My cherries go through phases, they may not breed for a few months then it seems like every female is berried.
Their bioload is very small but if you find you have too many you can always sell them or take them to your Lfs.
As for your stocking I wouldn't have the Oto's until your tank is mature Oto's don't do well in new set ups.
Your tank is roughly 15 gallons? I would say your stocking would be fine maybe a little bit on the heavy side. However, why would you get just 1 red cherry shrimp:)... it will be harder to see it if you get just one. Plus you can fit like 15/gallon because of there small bioload. If I were you I would get five. Worst case, if you see your tank is getting overcrowed, you can sell them or give them away, they aren't the cheapest ($1/each or something like that at least), and many people will want several, so if your willing to give them away, I'm sure you would be able to. I wouldn't recommend adding the honey gourami.
Also, I would recommend the danios, however, if you want the otocinclus, as Lillefishy already said, wait until your tank is more mature.
Best of luck!
ok  i am settled on this, at least for starters
4 male guppies
6 celestial danios
2 assasin snails
6 or so cherry shrimp
The four guppies as i mentioned are already in.  Is there an order it would be better to add the others in ?
thanks for the pointers  :)
Any order for the rest is fine.
What temp is your tank at as Cpd's don't like it too warm?
about 26.
is there a specific food for the shrimp or will they eat flakes
CPDs are fine in temperatures of up to 25°C.
It is the other danios like Zebra that don't like it above 23°C.
I'd drop the temp to 24, that'll suit the guppies & the Cpd's.
The shrimp don't really need feeding, they'll scavenge on whatever the fish leave
I feed my shrimp specific food every few days since the fish just don't leave any. :)

Good luck on your aquarium adventure :D
I would also not really recommend the honey gourami as it will probably eat the shrimp and may bully the other fish.
yep will stick with the guppies, shrimps and snails until i upgrade and have put heater to 24
.  I have an empty corner in my lounge that looks made for a  juwel trigon 190 .......... or 350. lol.   but thats at least a year or so away ........... I think.
Are these tanks well regarded or are there better corner tank options i should consider ?

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