I've not had Shrimp for long - half a dozen or so (breeding so not sure) Red Cherry Shrimp - and I wonder if what I noticed is actually happening, or if there is some other cause.
I've had a couple of recent losses, a red tailed rasbora and a Dwarf Suckermouth, and I noticed them as not being there before I noticed the body, and only when I looked around I found them tucked right underneath a bit of wood. These bits of wood are perfect spots for the shrimp to hide, and I wonder if the shrimp are dragging them under there to munch on at their leisure, or if the fish have decided to swim under there for shelter when feeling poorly.
Before I got the shrimp casualties were always found on the filter intake, but the two I've lost more recently haven't. I've not seen the shrimps doing this but can't think why the fish would be there otherwise.
On a related note, if I can't extricate the fish (have managed to do so both times so far) would it be bad for the tank to leave the fish in there to be part of the foodchain. Don't like the idea but maybe it is OK with regular water changes?
I've had a couple of recent losses, a red tailed rasbora and a Dwarf Suckermouth, and I noticed them as not being there before I noticed the body, and only when I looked around I found them tucked right underneath a bit of wood. These bits of wood are perfect spots for the shrimp to hide, and I wonder if the shrimp are dragging them under there to munch on at their leisure, or if the fish have decided to swim under there for shelter when feeling poorly.
Before I got the shrimp casualties were always found on the filter intake, but the two I've lost more recently haven't. I've not seen the shrimps doing this but can't think why the fish would be there otherwise.
On a related note, if I can't extricate the fish (have managed to do so both times so far) would it be bad for the tank to leave the fish in there to be part of the foodchain. Don't like the idea but maybe it is OK with regular water changes?