Shrimp. 1 Inch 1 Gallon Rule?


Fish Fanatic
May 13, 2013
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When keeping shrimp does the "rule" 1 inch 1 gallon apply? Also do they create much waste? Are they better algae eaters than plecs? If I was to get shrimp which are the best? Should you include snails to combat algae when you have shrimp?

At the minute I have a common plec which I'm taking back to lfs as I did a beginners mistake and I'm not sure if I want shrimp or go for a bristle nose
A birstlenose needs bare minimum 30 gallons, I'd say maybe even 55. If you want an algae cleaner than nerite snails are great for that, as well as otocinclus catfish and shrimp. Shrimp create hardly any waste and I'd say 10 per gallon is am good rule of thumb. Make sure to keep the water very clean though, and red cherry shrimp are the easiest and hardiest shrimp.
Miller2009 said:
When keeping shrimp does the "rule" 1 inch 1 gallon apply? Also do they create much waste? Are they better algae eaters than plecs? If I was to get shrimp which are the best? Should you include snails to combat algae when you have shrimp?

At the minute I have a common plec which I'm taking back to lfs as I did a beginners mistake and I'm not sure if I want shrimp or go for a bristle nose
To be honest that rule doesn't really apply to fish either...but certainly not for shrimp. They do not create a great deal of waste and can be kept in a small tank. The question of being better than a plec is a difficult one as it's a matter of just how many shrimp you would need to consume the same amount of algae as one fish would.
If you are having an algae problem I do not recommend fish, shrimp, or snails to get rid of it. I don't think you will be satisfied with the performance of any of these creatures in that regard.
I don't have a algae problem it's more of just keeping it down. So the best advice is in my 44 gallon tank would be to keep somewhere around 40 shrimp? Would you add snails to this or will the shrimp combat enough algae to not bother with them? Also do you still have to use the wafers with them if so how many for the amount I would need?
Surely that amount would cover the bottom of the tank. I have 6 Cory would they still have room?
Well, I'm speaking in terms or bio load. Technically you could keep 400 and keep them healthy, howevermi would start with 10-20 shrimp (red cherry shrimp?) and go from there, they'll breed very fast and before you know it you'll have 100-200.
Ok cool going to bag up the plec the messy thing and see if the lfs has any shrimp. Thanks for the help.
When you say breed fast how fast?
Well I'd suggest getting red cherry shrimp. Maybe 30 days after you get them you'll se the eggs, and then another 30 days and you'll have about 30-40 shrimplets. Be careful though, other fish might eat them. Not the corys though
Well I have neon tetras, guppies, black widow tetra, a angelfish, blind cave fish,l and gouramis would any of these eat baby shrimp?
Lol probably all of them, I suggest getting a small grow out tank for them.
As nasty as it sounds they not a good treat for the fish once a month and surely some will survive.
Sure they're a good treat, I wouldn't count on many survivng
You could try heavily planting the tank and getting java moss to cover the ground and that might AAVE some
Actually a lot of those fish you mentioned would make a meal out of new red cherries, if you really want shrimp I'd go buy a 2.5 or 5 gallon and have a nice big colony. If you're on a budget the aqueon mini bow 2.5 is good, I transformed one into a shrimp sanctuary.
It's more of something to help keep algae down in the tank not that bothered about breeding them and having millions lol so a treat once a month sounds good to me.
No, I meant that angels will most likely go after the shrimp, regardless of size. Probably the second you put them in they'd be devoured.....a better option as far as keeping algae down is either oto cats or nerites. Those will keep algae in check, but won't be able to control a major outbreak.

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