Shocking Ebay Fish Tank


Fish Fanatic
Sep 29, 2012
Reaction score
Just been noseying on eBay at fish tanks and came across this

Item no: 181108364754

Sorry cant post a link as I use eBay mobile

Those poor fish! I'd be surprised if that plec can even turn round :-(
Not the first and last time these pop up. Bad advice from LFS or no research done.
Why on earth do people buy these things? They clearly don't realise that most fish like to swim from side to side rather than up and down or in circles as in the case of those BiOrbs. We've got one at work and it's awful to see the poor things doing laps around the hideous volcano decoration in the middle.
This is why were here folks! To get out the right information to as many people as we can so that the hobby thrives. I can only imagine how much better it is now than it was before the Internet back in the day when the only resource people had was the LFS. I know it sounds overly dramatic but to me poorly conceived tanks are a call to arms for fish forums to push out the right info to as many folks as will listen!
That is food for thought Tcamos, where would we all be without the Internet?!

I have had lots of advice on here, and my tank is getting more how I like it every month! I couldn't imagine 20 odd years ago when you did only have shop advice.

Just think how many fishes lives have been saved on this forum alone.
KrystaK said:
That poor pleco!
Indeed, lets hope her friend has a larger length tank for him and that the person bidding does not buy him for this tank.
tcamos said:
This is why were here folks! To get out the right information to as many people as we can so that the hobby thrives. I can only imagine how much better it is now than it was before the Internet back in the day when the only resource people had was the LFS. I know it sounds overly dramatic but to me poorly conceived tanks are a call to arms for fish forums to push out the right info to as many folks as will listen!
Agreed.  We have all made mistakes, and will continue to, it is part of being human.  I do not get angry with those misinformed I try to assist in educating them towards the best way possible, and ideally keeping them in the hobby.
Did you see the post from the student doing a study into what we all wanted from a fish tank of the future?  Now is the time to act to ensure he is led the "right" way for the benefit of the fish.  I will have a look for it and link in here, here you are it is called "Fish + Tanks"  He is one clever dude, so lets all help by doing the survey and responding to the post, about what we do, and do not like?
The worst I have seen is the key-rings with live Bettas and Turtles in them, awful!
It's still there - are you trying the uk site?
Here is the offending item in all its glory!
Can I ask, how on earth would you remove bodies from this tank when the inevitable happens?
Yes it would take a drainpipe sized gravel vac.
Gee, that's terrible!
I have to admit though, unfortunately I've seen worse :/
That betta looks brilliant though, however that has ended up in the thread :p

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