Sexing Gouramis - Please Help


Mostly New Member
Sep 9, 2013
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Good morning everyone, 
I have read through several threads on here and found a few articles online but I am still not sure if my Gouramis are male or female or one of each.....
I have had them since Monday and they are adjusting to their new home very nicely. 
The orange one is larger than the blue one and its belly is quite round.....I'm thinking female.
The blue one is smaller with a flatter body....I'm thinking male.
Yesterday one of them (not sure who) started ripping my plants apart and building a bubble nest!  
Here are some pics:
gourami 1.jpeg
gourami 2.jpeg
I would appreciate any input! 
Thank you :)
  I'd actually say both males. #2 for sure is a male. Usually female dwarf gouramis are grey with almost no coloration at all, which is why they're so hard to find in LFS's.
Thank you! That is what I originally thought but them when the bubble nest showed up I started second guessing myself  
FriendlyFriendlyFish said:
Would they built a bubble nest if there is no female in the tank?
Yeh I think they do
Yep.  :) My dwarf gourami did before many times when there were no other fish of his species around.
Thanks for the input everyone. The nest is gone now; I hope they build another one tho. I'm slightly sad that I have two males, it would have been neat to see the whole mating process and to raise the fry. Oh well, I still love both my boys. :)
It would have been cool to see the fry being raised but apparently gouramis could get aggressive in a community tank, protecting their eggs/fry. Someone correct me if I'm wrong
Two males, very nice looking though, to have two very different looking :)

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