Severum With A Fat Belly


Fish Addict
Sep 15, 2011
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For the past week my sev has had abit of a pot belly. shes abit greedy and will eat her food then everyone elses. she will eat a few cichlid pellets then rip the novo tabs off the glass that are meant for the other fish. then the greedy miss will go and steal the algae wafer off the pleco.




has she just ate too much or do i have something to worry about ? she is behaving normally otherwise
Wow she really has got a belly! What is her poo like? She may be a little constipated if she is not getting enough greens in her diet.
Wow she really has got a belly! What is her poo like? She may be a little constipated if she is not getting enough greens in her diet.

her poo is like pellets. do i need to give her some veg or starve her for a day or two?

oh she did have munch on some plants too
Hmm. Severums do need some greens in their diet. I know she ate some plants, but I would try some pellets with spirulina in and cut down on the amount of food you give her if possible.
Hmm. Severums do need some greens in their diet. I know she ate some plants, but I would try some pellets with spirulina in and cut down on the amount of food you give her if possible.

i wont feed her tonight then.

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