Setting Up A New Tank (2Nd Hand)


New Member
May 5, 2012
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I currently have a 60ltr fishbox tank, I am wanting to upgrade to a 120ltr that is second hand. The tank is already set up so will I have to cycle the tank again? No fish come with it so should I clean the gravel,plants ect? When should I put my fish in it? Also I was hoping to put sand in this tank if anyone can advise me on that :) thanks!
If you plan to move all the fish in the 60l to the 120l, the safest bet would be to move the filter across with them, providing the filter was cycled and you have not bought a lot of new fish in the last couple of weeks. This existing filter in such circumstances would be pretty close if not fully colonised by all the bacteria needed to keep the water safe for these fish.

If you are happy that this 120l had no recent history of fish carrying diseases, you might not have to worry about giving the tank/furniture/filter/plants a good clean (I've only ever used vinegar and water on second-hand equipment, others could give you advise on using diluted bleach followed by lots of rinsing).

Changing over to sand from gravel is going to be far simpler and less stressful now before you move over the fish to their bigger home, for both you and the fish. The chances are that on removing the gravel, the tank floor will be covered in lots of debris, so at the very least a good rinse with water is worthwhile, if not deciding to do a more intensive clean.

Unless you partially fill the new tank with just the existing 60l water to begin with, don't forget to acclimitise the fish as if just brought home from the fish shop. ;)
When you go to collect the tank, ask the person if he/she cycled the tank, if no, you'll have to do a fishless cycle. If yes, put the media from the filter into a container of water from the tank. When you get home, give the tank and anything going back in it a quick clean fill up with water and put the media back into the filter and switch it on. After a day or two, check the water stats, as you may be able to add fish very quickly, as the sponge should still be cycled.

Fill a bucket half full with sand (outside) and blast water into the bucket, then pour the water away. Keep repeating this until the water you blast in is clean and clear. Then put the sand in the tank. Repeat that for however many buckets of sand you need :good:
I only have 3 fish in my current tank lol , what sort of sand should I use? Is play sand okay?
Play sand is perfect, but can be quite dirty, so make sure you wash it well as Noah's ark says. It is best not to start doing this when it is getting dark and cold, believe me.

Your fish will think it is christmas, having all that room in the new tank. Hope all goes well with the set up for you.
Thanks for the advice! I believe the tank has already been up and running for a while with fish in it, should I take out everything and thoroughly clean then put in clean sand and fill with water and turn the filter and leave it running for a while before adding my fish? or should I fill half way with water then put in the water from my current tank? I've heard that ywhen switching to sand you should take some of the old gravel and put in a pair of tights then place it in the tank, someone steer me in the right direction please :)

Ok so the tank was running with fish but it has been shut down for a while, what do I do?

I have also just been informed that I would need to buy some new filter pads for the filter:(

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