

New Member
Jan 6, 2003
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I would like to find a low cost source for a nice looking sand. I'm after that white tropical beach look.

At this point I may use the Playground sand that Home Depot offers. I'm not sure it will be "tropical" enough.

Any Ideas?
:) In the UK, I use playpit sand from Mothercare, deemed safe for little children and perfect for fish :lol:
I'll assume you'll have similar products Stateside. ;) Mac.
I went over to Home Depot and found that they had three types of sand. The first type was constructions sand and was very irregular and unattractive. This was on the order of $2.30 for 50 lbs. Then they had very uniform sand which has a somewhat brown look to it. It had been screened for constant size. Not a bad choice at $3.20/50lbs. Then they had playgound sand which was much whiter, but less uniform. This was only about $2.50/50lbs.

I think I will go with the playground sand because of the color. I was very pleased with the price of all three. When I was at Petco the other day they had a nice looking sand in a small bag, perhaps 5lbs. They claimed it contained bacteria already. They wanted ~$24.00
No way I'm paying that much.

UPDATE: I ran a test where I put the playground sand and the very uniform sand in water. The result, they both become very dark and unappealing. So I'm back looking for a source of that ultra white sand the type you would find on tropical beaches.
what about sand from a pool supplies store? filter sand...
Or you could look into Bleached sand. It is normally used to mix with concrete. Very white and does not darken much when you wet it.

I have pool filter sand in my African tank. I got it at home depot(it's not with the sand its out in the garden shop at my home depot). I was like 5 dollars for a 50lb bag. Its white and has a bigger grain size than play sand.
I went to Lowe's and Home depot and I could not find the pool filter sand you mentioned.

There is a rock supply place on the other end of town that claims to have three grades of Dolomite sand. I'm hoping to check it out tomorrow.

The other type I have learned about is Quartz sand. This stuff is composed of 98% white quartz. I have not been able to locate any locally however. But I like the sound of it.
The sand from Home Depot you want to use is Southdown sand. This is taken right off a tropical beach. It is what the reefers use for Marine tanks. Look in a marine site like reefcentral.

I could not find the southdown product. I sent them an email and they said there product was not available in my part of the country.

Finally I found a place on the other side of Sacramento CA, that had dolomite sand. When I arrived I found that they had several grades. All grades were the same cost; $3.50/50lbs. I bought 4 bags of the fine sugar sand grade, and 4 bags of a more corse gravel/sand, and two bags of 3/8" grade. In the end I found that the sugar sand was too fine and I put it a side for some other future use. The coarser grade ended up being just right. I created trails of 3/8" grade to give it a little character. Done

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