Sand Or Gravel For This Walstad Tank?


Fish Gatherer
Feb 26, 2013
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It's a 38 gallon tank I'm setting up. I've got the dirt in the tank and I am ready now for substrate to go on top. I've got three bristlenose plecos going in this tank, plus some shrimp and snails, so should I too off with sand or is gravel the better option? Gravel is typically used for a Walstad tank, but I'm worried about my pleco friends. I'm worried that the gravel would not be a good idea for them but I want the better option for my plants, too. Suggestions?
When I used dirt in my tanks I always capped it with gravel for two reasons one it won't get mixed in with the dirt as fast over time and two it allowed any built up gas to get released a lot easer.
I also had BN in the tanks and they never seemed to mind the gravel but that is just my experience so I won't say it's that way for everyone.
Either way good luck and hope it works out well for you :)
Oh thanks! I'll just get gravel then.
I had a BN on gravel and he actually enjoyed picking up gravel pieces haha

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