Safe Place To Buy


New Member
Dec 2, 2011
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hi all i've a cherry shrimp tank that did have hundreds of shrimp in of all ages. i bought some plants from ebay and it did warn that they could have treatment on that could kill shrimp if not washed. so i left them in a bucket of water for over a week and changed the water twice a day. after a week i put the plants in. it was a nightmare within 15 mins i lost all but three shrimp. gutted. its been a couple of months now and i was hopping they would of bred but nothing. so i'm left with a plantless tank and only three shrimp. so question is where is a safe place to get plants and was there anything i could of done apart from water changes to have saved them?
thank you all
If it was a treatment that killed them WC's would be unlikely to save them as you had already done the same with the plants themselves.

Safe plants to buy - Tropica, Aquafleur and Aquadip.
I'd steer clear of stems or anything from the Far East for now.

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