Ruby Tetra Are White ?


Fish Crazy
Jul 28, 2013
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Hi guys,
I got 6 ruby tetra today and since I have got back from the pet store they have gone white ???? is this normal ???? they was fine in the store when I got them so please can you give me a little advice as to what is going on with the little guys.
I wouldn't worry too much, they are probably just a little stressed from the journey and the change. Their colour will come back once they settle in.  
I had Rummy nose tetras which lost their colour when I first put in the tank but it came back after a while.
It's probably just stress from being bagged and the journey home.
Did you acclimate them properly to your tank?
yes I did acclimate them, they was white when I put them in.
ps thanks for the advice !
water drip method, then after a hour or so scoop them with the net. anyway they are fine now it must have just been the stress of being transported and it was a new girl at the store and she gave them a good run around the tank before they was put in the bag.
Okay, thats a good way to acclimatize, good job on choosing that method!
Good to know they're fine now, I hope they bring you lots of joy :D

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