Rubber Lip Pleco And Goldfish?!


Sep 23, 2013
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Please no one cuss me for this question. Lol. But has anyone had any success keeping a RL pleco and a goldfish in the same tank?
I haven't personally kept them but I would not advise it.
The reason is that RL Plecos are tropical fish, that need tropical temperatures and Goldfish are coldwater fish that require cooler temperatures than the RL Pleco.
Blondielovesfish said:
I haven't personally kept them but I would not advise it.
The reason is that RL Plecos are tropical fish, that need tropical temperatures and Goldfish are coldwater fish that require cooler temperatures than the RL Pleco.

There are exceptions, because "Rubberlip plec" covers 50+ Chaetostoma spp. (species), but the most common ones found in the hobby (formosae, dorsale, aff. milesi) need slightly cooler temps than "mainstream tropical" (~25C) fish. These should ideally be kept in the 20-23C ballpark.
But the real issue with keeping them with goldfish is the tank setup, Chaetostoma should be kept in a "hillstream loach" type setup, with 10-20x real water turnover and lots of water rippling. Relatively few fish in the hobby are comfortable in such conditions.
Fancy goldfish are not the most elegant of swimmers at the best of times in a calm setup, non-fancies like Blackmoors are stronger swimmers, but they have no place in most indoor tanks long term and should be kept in a pond. 
Thanks for the responses. I have read different opinions on different sources... Mostly about the safety of the goldfish being an issue.
N0body Of The Goat said:
There are exceptions, because "Rubberlip plec" covers 50+ Chaetostoma spp. (species), but the most common ones found in the hobby (formosae, dorsale, aff. milesi) need slightly cooler temps than "mainstream tropical" (~25C) fish. These should ideally be kept in the 20-23C ballpark.
Oh, really?
Huh, never knew that.
Thanks for that :)
I have read that some RL seem to tolerate lower tenps than a lot of other species of pleco. But I have also read horror stories of plecos eating holes in goldfish....

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