Rosy Red Minnow


Fish Addict
Sep 16, 2012
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anyone know anything about a fish called rosy red minnow? it looks like a minnow but a light red. it is a feeder fish for $0.23 so i wanna buy some as dither fish with my GBRs, so anyone now anything about them?
yes, I've heard of them. They are what people call "the feeder fish". They're titled that for a reason. They are to be fed to other fish and mostly aquatic turtles. Some don't live long. I'm not sure how big they get, but I imagine not that terribly big.

Not sure if they would go in tanks with German Rams. I'm pretty sure Rosys are coldwater fish since I've heard of them titled : goldfish-->cold water fish.

Just so you know, when you first buy them, they're only about half an inch big meaning your GRB could eat it. :)

And I'm pretty sure they're supposed to be in groups since I've always heard minnows are to be in large groups.

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