Wow this place looks different.
Anyway, I've got 3 fish left in my 55, a striped Raphael catfish I've had since my 20 gallon (not quite impressive since they are almost unkillable) an angelfish maybe about the body size of a half dollar, and a julli cory that was the only one smart enough not to get tangled.
I'm looking for fish that can take occasional not the best conditions, essentially hardy.
I'm thinking to get another group of jullis (or mix cories I don't know) a few more angels and a schooling mid level fish of some sort.
Thing is I don't know of anything good that I like, is colorful, easy to care for and not nippy. The only thing I can think of would be neon rainbows since I loved the ones I had, but they are very hard to find, and I would have to watch the tank like a hawk for a month or two, which I can't do unless I get them right now.
Along with the new wave of fish (im expecting maybe 5-6 for the 2 groups and 3-4 more angels so around 15-18 total) I'm planning on adding a fair amount of shrimp to help keep things clean while I'm gone. Can't decide between a horde of ghost shrimp or another easy, self replacing, colorful shrimp.
Anyway, I've got 3 fish left in my 55, a striped Raphael catfish I've had since my 20 gallon (not quite impressive since they are almost unkillable) an angelfish maybe about the body size of a half dollar, and a julli cory that was the only one smart enough not to get tangled.
I'm looking for fish that can take occasional not the best conditions, essentially hardy.
I'm thinking to get another group of jullis (or mix cories I don't know) a few more angels and a schooling mid level fish of some sort.
Thing is I don't know of anything good that I like, is colorful, easy to care for and not nippy. The only thing I can think of would be neon rainbows since I loved the ones I had, but they are very hard to find, and I would have to watch the tank like a hawk for a month or two, which I can't do unless I get them right now.
Along with the new wave of fish (im expecting maybe 5-6 for the 2 groups and 3-4 more angels so around 15-18 total) I'm planning on adding a fair amount of shrimp to help keep things clean while I'm gone. Can't decide between a horde of ghost shrimp or another easy, self replacing, colorful shrimp.