Reliable Test Kits


Nov 3, 2009
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I had to throw out my test kits recently, and I was wondering if anyone could recommend reliable test kits? I have used both Nutrafin and API liquid test kits (never the strips), and while they've done the job, maybe it's time for me to try another brand? I usually have two different sets, one for redundancy purposes (the API kit acted as a double-check on certain readings). Thanks.
I recently too fancied a change and so at the moment I'm trying JBL's test kit. It's very sensitive. It's taking a bit of getting used to but it's good. I've heard of people that love it and others that hate it. For me the jury is still out as I've only used it about 4 times.
One thing I do like is that the pH range goes far beyond that of other kits. It's range goes from 3 to 10!
API tends to be the popular choice due to costs and ease of use, once you know the shortcomings of these tests, its a fairly decent guide.
I too have tried Nutrafin test kit, not bad and has a few extra tests but for the money I think APi is better value.
There are a few half decent brands you may want to try, Salifert for one, though they are rather pricey.
If you want the real deal, then real lab grade test kits ae the most accurate kits, however these kits can cost hundreds, even thousands, so most hobbiest won't stretch that far for a test kit.
I've opted for a Nutrafin mini-master kit (pH, ammonia, nitrite and nitrate) as I had before, and an API ammonia freshwater test for redundacy/backup. I won't go the full API kit route again as my testing was getting seriously out of hand, and I was doubling up each time (I was also testing far too often...every couple of days for the ammonia).

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