Relaxing Aquarium Video


Fish Fanatic
Mar 6, 2013
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Shot an hour long video of my main African cichlid display with calm music.  When I put the video together I almost fell asleep to the music...real good to chill out too lol.
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Hey how bigs your tank and what synodontis do you have? I really like umm, im getting a 300 gallon soon and im trying to find good synodontis to stock with i was thinking 2 euruptus and 2 angelicus.
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Ryan10 said:
That's an amazing tank. 
Thanks :)
sawickib said:
Hey how bigs your tank and what synodontis do you have? I really like umm, im getting a 300 gallon soon and im trying to find good synodontis to stock with i was thinking 2 euruptus and 2 angelicus.
They are around 4 - 5 inches.  Angelicus would be nice...I've seen one once that was at least 12 inches.
Is it a Synodontis Multipunctatus or a Synodontis Ocellifer?
Actually I own all three that you mentioned lol.  The ones you see in the video are multipunctatus....I also own angelicus :)  I love synos
Lovely natural looking Mbuna set up and fish... watched it on 'me big TV screen yesterday evening.
*pete* said:
Lovely natural looking Mbuna set up and fish... watched it on 'me big TV screen yesterday evening.
Thanks Mate....that would've been cool...think I might do that too since you mentioned it lol :)

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