Redness around the pectoral fins


New Member
Feb 24, 2005
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I have some angel fish that have developed redness around their pectoral fins on their bodies. These fish have been isolated in hospital tanks for nearly 6 weeks. In that time, I have treated for bacterial infections, fin rot, and have even tried using antibiotics for this last two weeks. There is no improvement to the fish. They were originally in an under stocked 160 gallon aquarium. I have varied their food from dried worms to flakes.

Has anyone else experienced this with Angels and if so how did they get rid of whatever it is?

If they have red edges to there fins and red patches on the body septicemia blood poisoning and its very hard to cure, you will need a very strong antibiotic if you stand a chance.
What type of angels are they? Some golds, koi, & marbles tend to show a bit of red where the pectoral meets the body as a natural coloration.

If it is septicemia, it is a nasty thing. Keep all equipment, water, and anything else seperate from any other tanks. Treat with oxytetracycline hydrochloride. Scroll down in this link,

Good luck!

Hi thorran617 :)

Welcome to the forum! :hi:

It would help us greatly if you would put your location in your profile. Not all medications are available in all countries and it would enable us to suggest something appropriate if it turns out your fish are ill.

I will move your post to the section where more members know about angel fish so they can help figure out if this is natural for them or not.

Good luck! :D
Sorry to all: I thought I had included my location.

The Angels are golden and some are marbles. I am American but I am living in southern China right now. I have 10 aquariums counting the hospital tands and staging tanks. Finding medicines for fish is quite challenging here as most are of Chinese origin so reading about them is out of the question. I have found some from Austrailia but none that seem to treat what I am experiencing. One of the largest problems I run into here is that due to the really low cost of fish, people here do not try to treat fish, they simply change them out. In most of the fish stores I have been to only a few seem to be concerned about the health of the fish. Most of the angel fish I see in the shops have some degree of this redness associated to their fish. Most of the shops here that use anything at all for their fish use a sulphur drug that comes from Japan (again no chance of reading about it). But for the most part the shop owners are only trying to stabilize the fish in order to sell them.

Anyway I have managed to only loose a few of these fish, but I just don't seem to be making any ground on curing them. I will look for medicine to treat septicemia, I am sure that will be an adventure all in a class by itself. Most here think I am crazy for even trying to find a cure for them.

thorran617 said:
Sorry to all: I thought I had included my location.

The Angels are golden and some are marbles. I am American but I am living in southern China right now. I have 10 aquariums counting the hospital tands and staging tanks. Finding medicines for fish is quite challenging here as most are of Chinese origin so reading about them is out of the question. I have found some from Austrailia but none that seem to treat what I am experiencing. One of the largest problems I run into here is that due to the really low cost of fish, people here do not try to treat fish, they simply change them out. In most of the fish stores I have been to only a few seem to be concerned about the health of the fish. Most of the angel fish I see in the shops have some degree of this redness associated to their fish. Most of the shops here that use anything at all for their fish use a sulphur drug that comes from Japan (again no chance of reading about it). But for the most part the shop owners are only trying to stabilize the fish in order to sell them.

Anyway I have managed to only loose a few of these fish, but I just don't seem to be making any ground on curing them. I will look for medicine to treat septicemia, I am sure that will be an adventure all in a class by itself. Most here think I am crazy for even trying to find a cure for them.

Are they Sunset blushers? I have two and there is supposed to be a redness of the gills and it has been noted this species sometimes has red at the base of the pectoral fins.

Hold on, going in the living room to snap a picture.

Does it look like this? Just trying to help....
Thanks for the pics and reply Blue Lobster. The photos of the wild angels bear a closer resemblance than any other. I know where these fish are bred in China so I am wondering if I am seeing a normal coloration patern. The problem is that I have 6 of these fish and not all of them show this. I have a couple of solid whites and this redness is displayed on one side of one of my whites and not on the other side at all. It is not present in the other white at all.

They do not seem to be any worse for the meds I am using but like I say they aren't showing any signs of improvement either. Right now I am using tetracycline with the 5 fish isolated in a 10 gallon hospital tank. I am doing daily water changes of 30%. I guess it is going to be a wait and see process.

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