Red Lava Rock


New Member
Jan 29, 2016
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I'm new to asking questions in forums so here goes. I want to know if red lava rock is heavy in weight as I have been looking at buying a 380g bag to home make a cave for my 200litre aquarium. I have elephant nose fish, Guppy's plec etc. Any help would be appreciated.
I'm going to move this to tropical discussion for you; more people hang around there than in the welcome section, so you'll get more advice there
Seems obvious that it will weigh 380g, I'm sure that's not the answer you are looking for though.
Red lava rock does have air bubbles in it.  Depending on how many bubbles it may actually float in the water for a few minutes before sinking (some may not ever sink to the bottom..  Regular rocks and black lava typically have a greater density.
Agree with Stevenf red lava rock is LIGHT
it actually feels more like holding a piece of wood than a rock, weight-wise.
Epithytes like java moss, anubias etc. root very well in it, so I hear.
Red Lava Rock is very light and porous, if you hold it under water and rotate it, all the little bubbles making it float should escape the stone as Steven was saying. It also doesn't seem that durable, which you could probably chip away at it to make that cave you were thinking about? Not sure when you say "make a cave" unless you seem super glueing some pieces together to make a cave.
I'm assuming he means he will use either reefer's glue or aquarium safe silicone to glue some lava rock together to make a cave?

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