Red Cherry Shrimp


New Member
Jun 2, 2013
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I have a ten gallon tank with 6 red cherry shrimps and 4 neon tetras. Two days earlier i saw my shrimps ( which I don't know the genders ) having greenish black saddles. I heard of female shrimps having green coloured saddles but I'm not sure in my case. These are the photos. Sorry for the quality cause my camera will become blur when I'm having a close up shoot.
Not seeing any pics there, can you have another go at loading them?
Some of my cherries have greenish saddles too.
My cherries get all white saddles. It could be possible that you have Sakura Fire Shrimp. They look similar to cherry shrimp but lighter in color but I don't know what their saddles look like.
If you can, post the images to an image hosting site like tinypic or imgur or photobucket and then post the link here. Green saddles are natural, though people claim that white saddles is a cause of too much inbreeding.
DreamertK said:
If you can, post the images to an image hosting site like tinypic or imgur or photobucket and then post the link here. Green saddles are natural, though people claim that white saddles is a cause of too much inbreeding.
My shrimp are a cross from red rili shrimp and red cherry shrimp. I first noticed a lot of the offspring had white saddles instead of yellow, then some green saddled ones appeared in time too.  Now I even have a blue shrimp in the tank which I presume is because of the cross.  So not sure inbreeding causes white saddles as mine certainly arent inbred. I started with 2 red cherry females and 3 red rili males from totally different sources.
It does look like the saddle of female shrimp. Cherry shrimp can naturally have orange or green saddles and eggs, neither of which seem to determine the colour outcome of the offspring. I have also seen white saddles on my own shrimp, but saddle a white saddle does not mean that the shrimp is snowball or has those genes.The saddles on your female does seem very dark green/ blue and that could be because the shrimp looks like it has the rili gene in it. If so there are blue gene rili cherry shrimp available. Blue velvet and a few other blue colour morphs are derived from blue gene cherry shrimp.
I made some research and I see that the saddles are on the right place like my shrimps, so is it possible it is a female?
Oh, and I got two more clearer shots of it when I was cleaning their tanks. They're now in a smaller tank, it's more easier to get their photos. What do you guys think? :3
Baccus said:
It does look like the saddle of female shrimp. Cherry shrimp can naturally have orange or green saddles and eggs, neither of which seem to determine the colour outcome of the offspring. I have also seen white saddles on my own shrimp, but saddle a white saddle does not mean that the shrimp is snowball or has those genes.The saddles on your female does seem very dark green/ blue and that could be because the shrimp looks like it has the rili gene in it. If so there are blue gene rili cherry shrimp available. Blue velvet and a few other blue colour morphs are derived from blue gene cherry shrimp.
So you mean that my shrimps are not CRS?
I think I will be uploading more clearer shots of my shrimps.. Maybe you guys can help me identify their gender? ;)
The shrimp visible on the picture are females. They have saddles but are not berried yet. Once they do, you'll see eggs in their belly.
They are red cherry shrimp. Most colour variations and mutations of Neocaridian shrimp came from red cherries so one never knows what genes they carry.

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