Red Cherry Shrimp


Fish Crazy
Jul 23, 2012
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I am hopefully going to acquire a red cherry shrimp and I just wondered if
it would be suitable with my stocking and I also wondered what they eat??

Thanks M4R13Y
I am hopefully going to acquire a red cherry shrimp and I just wondered if
it would be suitable with my stocking and I also wondered what they eat??

Thanks M4R13Y
Anyone ?... :)
I am hopefully going to acquire a red cherry shrimp and I just wondered if
it would be suitable with my stocking and I also wondered what they eat??

Thanks M4R13Y
I am hopefully going to acquire a red cherry shrimp and I just wondered if
it would be suitable with my stocking and I also wondered what they eat??

Thanks M4R13Y
Anyone ?... :)

don't feed them any food that has copper, or copper sulfate in the list of ingredients.. I fee my skrimps Tetramin..
I am hopefully going to acquire a red cherry shrimp and I just wondered if
it would be suitable with my stocking and I also wondered what they eat??

Thanks M4R13Y
Anyone ?... :)

don't feed them any food that has copper, or copper sulfate in the list of ingredients.. I fee my skrimps Tetramin..

I have greedy fish so there wouldn't much food left for the shrimp :sad:

Could I feed them blanched vegetables or would they eat the algae on my bogwood and lava rock
Well, you're stocking if fine as fish go, but your 30l is WAAAAY overstocked! Before you get any fish, you need either a bigger tank, or get rid of all the fish and just have shrimp.
Ok but I have been told by numerous sources that it is fine but if you think it is overstocked i will hold off for a while
Shrimp don't add bioload to the filter, fish do. IMO, you should scrap the fish and just do a shrimp only tank, and maybe some Endler's Livebearers or a betta.

The fish you have picked out need at least a 20-30 gallons tank, or about 75-113 litres.
Check out my Fluval Chi Journal for ideas :good:
Shrimp don't add bioload to the filter, fish do. IMO, you should scrap the fish and just do a shrimp only tank, and maybe some Endler's Livebearers or a betta.

The fish you have picked out need at least a 20-30 gallons tank, or about 75-113 litres.
Check out my Fluval Chi Journal for ideas :good:

I'm trying to find a new tank about the same size for a shrimp only tank but I am not having any luck :sad:

What do you mean by bio load

Also I really don't wanna give my fish away
Shrimp don't add bioload to the filter, fish do. IMO, you should scrap the fish and just do a shrimp only tank, and maybe some Endler's Livebearers or a betta.

The fish you have picked out need at least a 20-30 gallons tank, or about 75-113 litres.
Check out my Fluval Chi Journal for ideas :good:

I'm trying to find a new tank about the same size for a shrimp only tank but I am not having any luck :sad:

What do you mean by bio load

All living creatures excrete ammonia as waste. Animals on land do this by urination, but fish excrete ammonia through the gills as well as decomposing feces and food and other organic wastes. A bioload, is a fish's impact on the nitrifying bacteria in your filter. Some fish have very big bioloads, goldfish for example have such a big bioload (as well as being large) that one goldfish needs a minimum of 30 gallons. Other fish have very little bioloads, like Neon Tetras. Shrimp, being small invertebrates that feed on organic waste, produce very little bioload, so small it technically doesn't count. A well filtered tank could have hundreds of shrimp.

It appears as if your isn't cycled, otherwise you'd know about bioloads. How long have you had the tank?

You don't have to give your fish away,if you get a bigger tank for them, you don't have to give them away.
When you've learned about cycling, you can get a 29 or 36 gallon tank, and do this stocking:

12x Glo-Light Tetras
8x Black Widow Tetras
4x Guppies
1x Bristlenose Plec
It's cycled I have had it for about 3 months
Unfotunately having a tank with water in it for three months does not mean it is cycled ;) .

If the tank was cycled, please help us to help you and detail how you cycled the tank :nod:
Set it up for about 4 days
After the 4 days I added 5 glowlight tetras for 2 weeks
Had my water tested everything was fine but the ph was high
Got the rest of my fish and did a water change.
That is not cycling.

Again, please refer here for help and all you need to know about cycling :good:

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