Recommendations For Small Tetras Or Amazonian Shoaling Fish


Fish Crazy
Jan 5, 2012
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Hi all,

Since I've been having so much trouble with my Neons lately, I've been wondering what other fish I could get that would be very small (around 1 to 1.5") that could replace them when the time comes. I tried to select fish for my 27 gallon cube that would fill each area, but the hatchets are SO boring (top part) and my neons are dwindling (middle, lower realm).

I'm wondering if anyone can recommend a good, small schooling fish that would swim at the top/middle of the tank. Since I have rams and cories, the bottom is definitely good. It's just the top that always looks empty.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions.
Bloodfin tetras spend most of their time in the upper half of the water column. They do get larger though, 1 1/2-2". Another possible option would be red-eye tetras, they also seem to like the upper half of the tank.
Rummynose, lemon, flame, penguin. All good small tetras.
Glowlight tetras?? My red rasboras are my best shoalers in my big tank. They are always at the top of the tank swimming in the current, and are quite hardy too. Rasbora heteromorpha so slightly different to the harlequins, but lovely!
I like red rasboras, but I'm trying to stick with fish from the Amazon region. I'm leaning toward the Lemon tetras--they are very small and colorful and swim at the top 1/2 of the tank. Perfect!
Beckford Pencilfish... Hardy, colourful, perfect tankmates for peaceful fish like Hatchets.
I'd probably go with the Lemon tetra - however the pencilfish are also a great choice.

I have been planning a future Anazon biotope and both of those would be a part of that tank.
Could you ring your lfs to see if they can get stock in?
Are you UK based?
I know my lfs can just order in 6 of something if they want, and have offered to do so for me before.
Might be worth a go? I do like the look f both of those pencil fish though :)
If you're in the US, they are on for $66.00 + shipping, for a group of six.
Rummynose tetra(Tight schoolers, very active), Von Rio Flame Tetra (dont school too tightly), Glowlight tetra (semi-tight schoolers), bloodfin tetra (tight schoolers), or lemon tetra.
I'm in the US.... Will definitely keep in mind for the future!

Thanks for more suggestions!
I have a school of Danio Kyathits in one of my tanks. Great colors and very tight schooling, even more so than the rummynose i have in another tank, although i would reccomend a minimum school of 10-12 to get the full effect.

They school through all the levels of the tank. I know they're not amazonian or a tetra, but for the size and activity you're looking for, they work great and enjoy the same temperature range.

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