Bigger and more frequent water changes are best for fry. I've seen as much as 50% twice daily suggested by some ichthyologists. Also, they recommend taking the 'fresh' water from the main tank, which would then alleviate certain issues, like chlorine, temp, pH, etc.
I'm not suggesting shrimp in the main tank with the swords (although it would be perfectly safe if you got some of the larger species, like bamboo or Amano shrimp). Someone on this forum actually put their cory eggs in a tank with cherry shrimp, and the shrimp were great caretakers of the eggs... keeping fungus from growing on them, and they were harmless to the fry as well.
Ghost shrimp are another option, but the danger with ghost shrimp is that they often are 'feeder' options, which keeps the price down, but also means that they aren't always the best cared for shrimp.