Raised White Spots


Aug 1, 2011
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Guys, my Bolivian ram has been sitting at the bottom of the tank for some days now and sort of panting. I noticed a few days ago he had a white spot near his head. It's raised and larger than a grain of salt. Now he has four of these spots and he still isn't doing well. Could this be Ich?
I don't know what to do as I don't know what it is! The water is clean, last water change was 30 percent a couple of days ago. Can someone advise me, I'm scared in case it spreads.
I can't post pics-sorry.
Obviously difficult to say without piccies, but the fact that it's raised makes it sound like whitespot (ich).

Does it look like this?
Thanks for that the_lock_man! It looks like some of the pics. He doesn't have a dusting of spots, just 4 biggish ones at the moment. He's very poorly with it. Do you think it sounds like whitespot?
When you say "raised" spots, does it look like something kinda resting on the fish's skin? Like someone spilled a couple of grains of sugar on it?
They do look raised like that but a bit bigger than a grain of salt or sugar.
They do look raised like that but a bit bigger than a grain of salt or sugar.

Whitespot (ich) in my experience is roughly the same size as salt or sugar, but there are a number of different strains around, as I understand it. It sounds to me that you do have whitespot (or at least, your fish does), and it might well be that your particular strain produces bigger than usual spots.

Protozin by Waterlife is what I used for it, and that' also good for fungal issues too.
Ah thanks the_lock_man. I hope I can find that around here. I'm heading out now to have a look. I don't feel very positive about my fish getting better but you never know!
I got the Protozin and I've put the first dose in. I got a proper good look at the ailing fish and the white raised bumps have what looks like hairs coming from them. Maybe it's a fungus?
I got the Protozin and I've put the first dose in. I got a proper good look at the ailing fish and the white raised bumps have what looks like hairs coming from them. Maybe it's a fungus?

Now that does not sound like whitespot at all. Hopefully it is fungal, in which case the Protozin is still good. Anyone else help out?
The spots look a little smaller today and the fish is slightly more active but still not looking so good. His swimming even looks a bit odd. All other occupants look ok at the mo. I've tried looking it up on the net but can't find anything that fits. I'll keep up with the Protozin and see what happens. It does seem strange, doesn't it?
Just to update: I'm on the last day of dosing Protozin. The spots are greatly reduced though Miguel still spends most of the time at the bottom with his mouth constantly opening and closing. He's one of the first up for food and is eating well. All other fish still seem fine.
I'll leave things 'til Tuesday then I'll do a large water change and add a carbon sponge and see how things go.
If it is whitespot you may want to treat with meds for another few days after the whitespot has cleared off the fish as thats the time the ich is at its most vunerable I believe.
I don't think it is whitespot Welshweeks. I treating with the protozin as it may be a fungus. It's a mystery. I feel bad as he's not sick enough to euthenise but I don't want him suffering either. I'll just have to keep an eye on him.

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