Fish Fanatic
Last few days my nitrites have been falling within about 18 hours after a dose of 3ppm ammonia.
Yesterday afternoon I put in a bit more than 3ppm - didn't check it afterwards but it will have been 30-40% more ammonia. Not sure why... Mad moment probably.
To tonight nitrites were still at 5ppm (ammonia down to 0.25) despite the addition being 30 hours ago so checked the nitrates and they were well over 80ppm (not quite 160).
Just done a water change of about 50% to bring the nitrates down so that hopefully the cycle won't stall (I appreciate in hindsight its probably because I added too much ammonia).
Just put enough ammonia in to get it upto 3ppm again.
Does this sound ok? Don't want to undo all the good work grrrr!
Yesterday afternoon I put in a bit more than 3ppm - didn't check it afterwards but it will have been 30-40% more ammonia. Not sure why... Mad moment probably.
To tonight nitrites were still at 5ppm (ammonia down to 0.25) despite the addition being 30 hours ago so checked the nitrates and they were well over 80ppm (not quite 160).
Just done a water change of about 50% to bring the nitrates down so that hopefully the cycle won't stall (I appreciate in hindsight its probably because I added too much ammonia).
Just put enough ammonia in to get it upto 3ppm again.
Does this sound ok? Don't want to undo all the good work grrrr!