Fish Crazy
Okay, so I have a 15 gallon community tank consisting of one dwarf Gaurami (that I'm guessing is fill sized already), five neon tetra, two albino Cory catfish, and a dojo loach. I have a 5 gallon in the process of a fishless cycle right now that the community will soon be put into temporarily. My plan is to take the 15 gallon and turn it into a planted tank, then after two or more weeks after the cycle has been established, I hope to put the community back in their new planted tank. The thing is, I'm not sure if that'll be too many fish in there with the plants. I know that plants will break down waste in exchange of oxygen, but I've also been warned that solid fish waste can burn the plant leaves. I don't think the catfish and loach will be a threat to the vegetation because they say at floor, but the gaurami's massive solid waste strings is what I'm worried about. Another thing I'm concerned about is placing all those fish in the temporary five gallon, I know I can do frequent water changes to keep the toxic ammonia and nitrites down, but I'm hoping they'll be okay for a couple weeks in there while the new planted tank is establishing itself. Any advice or tips..?