Question Regarding Substrate.


Mostly New Member
Feb 8, 2014
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Hi All, Now that i have ordered a custom made cabinet,tank and hood i have had a few decisions to make regarding equipment etc, i have decided to go for a Eheim 130 cannister filter and i have also decided to use sand for the bottom of the tank, however this is where i am a bit stuck, i initially wanted pink Samoa coral sand but as i am going to have a community tank this sand would not do as my PH would be too high, the shop i am using stocks Unipac brown, silver and white sand but the silver and brown are too dark and the white is well white, so what i was wondering is has anyone in the UK ever used the white building sand found in builders merchants?  this sand is not too white and would be a lot less expensive also but im not sure if it is safe to use?
If you can get pool filter sand or play sand, they work great too.  Just rinse and rinse then rinse again.
Thanks Ryan , I will have a look, Can anyone answer my question regarding white building sand?
Building sand is 'sharp' sand yes? i.e. its not natural, its manufactured (crushed rock) to be sharp I think, so who knows what they make it out of, unless somebody else confirms its usable, I'd avoid it. 
This is what I was taught when I worked at a builder's merchant, hope they taught me right!
Obviously different sands put different minerals into the water, hence you needing to choose carefully for both your fish and your plants.
Ok ,many thanks for the reply , the search goes on then until i can find the colour and texture i desire but is also safe.
Most 'white' sands are usually made-up of or a mix of 2 or more components like quartz, crushed shells, crushed corals, limestone, calcite, silica, feldspar, artificially crushed marble rock and some trace elements that give off a white quality.

Some of these components can up the pH a bit, some are inert & safe but some like silica particles, shells, corals are sharp and unsafe for bottom dwellers. Unless you plan on keeping axolotls, cave salamanders or blind cavefish (texas or the mexican one) the calcite component in most building sands are sometimes dangerous to softwater fishes causing breeding and egg-laying problems
Thanks for your reply Neil, decision is made then, im going to go for play sand from Homebase or B&Q as they are proven to be tank safe ,i have spent a few quid on my tank etc so im not going to take any risks just to get the perfect colour for me, the fish are more important than the colour of the sand.
if you can get to argos they have 20kg bags for 3 quid. i used two in my tank, lovely :)
just make sure you wash it first

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