question for rose

Thomas A. Anderson

Fish Herder
Aug 1, 2002
Reaction score
I'm looking for an easy to look after floating plant for my 4ft tank, none of my local lfs's seem to ever have any in. If you can suggest any nice, colourful ones if I give them the name (common & latin if poss) I may be able to order them or if not get them online.

Thanks in advance.
i got water lettuce , water sprite(indian fern) and salvinia natans
thanxs www that page loaded ever so quick! dsl we love u! :rolleyes:
all us name Rose... LOLOLOL So far everyone but Rose is finfing there way here. lalalalala
while I am here, Try this link also. Follow the links above. They have a dealers page where they can direct you to dealers around the WORLD. Pretty much.

TROPICA.COM Aquarium Plants

Reallly interesting site.

And thanks, WWW for that one. :D :D :D
Better late than never I always

Or you can try this page I put together a while back. Most of it is for the US but it's still good reference and what not. You can find itHERE!!!! Rose

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