Question About Tank Decor I Have A Ceramic Yard Statue Can I Use It In

Always difficult to know as it depends on what it is constituted of?
I was advised when considering bricks to build up the back of an aquarium, to chip a bit off a brick, leave it in some water, then test the water after 24 hours to see if there is any change in the water quality.  I decided in the end to play safe and used pea-gravel.
For me it is not just the initial adding of such an item but whether longer term its components break down and release anything toxic.
Are you able to contact the manufacturer and ask them the question?  It will of course be designed to withstand getting wet, but fully submerged, that is a whole different ball game.
I used to do ceramics as a hobby years ago...  but I do recall that there were different types of glaze/paint for them.  Some were safe to eat off.. others were just fine for nic-nacs and others were more strong for outdoor wear.  If it were me... I wouldn't risk it.  You just don't know what was used on it..  but again...just me. 
reverendterry said:
ok may test it with a few guppies to c in another small tank but don't know yet
I wouldn't test it with fish, just put it in some water for a while and test the parameters of it. Hopefully anything that may have dissolved will be noticed :)

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