Question About Fish Eggs An How They Lay Eggs


Mostly New Member
Jun 30, 2014
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I took a look in my tank today an noticed a ball sitting on the sand it looked clear with a yellowish tint only one about the size of a small pearl I'm pretty sure it's an egg but how I have only five fish an a snail an all the fish are convicts an ive seen them bread the eggs were way tinier then this a have one cat dish not sure the kind but it's pretty small so can anyone tell me what exactly it is where it could of cane from an what should I do about it ?
I'm afraid it's impossible to say without seeing a picture.
It sounds like it's most probably the snails (do you know what type they are?), although it could be the catfish as some female fish will lay eggs, even if there are no males around to fertilise them.
Put some pics of your catfish up as well and someone will identify it for you. You should know exactly what types of fish you have, so you can make sure you're giving them the right care, conditions and food :)
well when i bought him the dealer at the store what i need too no too take care of him/her and the name i cant remember the name i will try putting a few pics up shorty as for my snail its a dwarf zebra snail an i have only 1

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