Question About Changing Water

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May 30, 2013
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Martinsville, IN
I know when you change water you need to turn the heater off and keep your filters submerged in water.

My question is, I need to do almost an entire water change. Do I need to keep the entire filter underwater or just the sponges inside the filter?
You can just switch your filter off. The bacteria will come to no harm in the time it will take you to do a water change :good:
For future reference though, it's only the sponges/other filter media that needs to be kept wet.
Or fill a container with tank water and pop the filter media in it. It's what I do to clean or do maintinence on the filter. Or when I rinse the media. Used tankwater is great for house and garden plants, but the mulm from the filter is fantastic plant food.
Waste not, want not.

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