So after suffering losses as a result of adding new fish, and despite the fact that room is scarce in my house, I've decided that a quarantine tank is a necessity. Not willing to go through that again if I can avoid it, and I don't want the worry when adding new fish - supposed to be a joyous occasion after all!
So I've looked about online and after reading a few things I've ordered a Clearseal 72 litre (2 foot) tank, along with a sponge filter, heater, thermometer and air pump. I'll be getting a few plastic plants and perhaps a flower pot for hiding in. Am I right in thinking that I can remove the sponge from the sponge filter and place it inside my canister filter to allow bacterial growth? How long would it take given my main tank is fully cycled? I'm guessing it won't take as long as the initial cycle took for my display tank. The sponge filter I bought was this one (http
/, but sponge filters, unlike usual internal/external filters, don't specify the maximum litres it can filter, so is this sufficient for my tank or do I need to purchase another?
It seems 2-4 weeks quarantine is the standard period before adding fish to the display tank, would everyone concur with that? Also some talk of treating the fish, one citing copper sulphate. Is that necessary even if the fish display no outward issues?
Another thing, is it possible that a fish can show no symptoms in a quarantine tank, even after 4 weeks, and yet still infect the display tank once placed inside? As in a carrier, is that a likely at all scenario?
Thank you.
So I've looked about online and after reading a few things I've ordered a Clearseal 72 litre (2 foot) tank, along with a sponge filter, heater, thermometer and air pump. I'll be getting a few plastic plants and perhaps a flower pot for hiding in. Am I right in thinking that I can remove the sponge from the sponge filter and place it inside my canister filter to allow bacterial growth? How long would it take given my main tank is fully cycled? I'm guessing it won't take as long as the initial cycle took for my display tank. The sponge filter I bought was this one (http

It seems 2-4 weeks quarantine is the standard period before adding fish to the display tank, would everyone concur with that? Also some talk of treating the fish, one citing copper sulphate. Is that necessary even if the fish display no outward issues?
Another thing, is it possible that a fish can show no symptoms in a quarantine tank, even after 4 weeks, and yet still infect the display tank once placed inside? As in a carrier, is that a likely at all scenario?
Thank you.