Purchasing A Hoplo


Fish Fanatic
Aug 17, 2007
Reaction score
buffalo, ny
Hello friends,

I'm looking to purchase 3 to 4 hoplo catfish for my recently started tank consisting of a blue acara and some bleeding heart tetras. My local fish stores do not seem to have them and the only site online I've found that has them is petsolutions. Has anyone used this site to purchase their fish? If so what are your thoughts?
I'm not sure how pertinent this is, but I live in the NE US. I know there are a lot if people across the water from me, and I'd like to keep UK sites off the table.

Thanks guys
Sorry I cant help you find any as I am in the UK, but I can tell you that they will be well worth the effort of finding some. In my opinion they are the best fish ever, I have a shoal of 17 and they are always on the go and very inquisitive, a great fish!

Good luck!!

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