Problem Solve With Me


Fish Gatherer
Apr 24, 2012
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I am not sure if I have an issue in my tank right now or not.

About a month ago I posted at topic called "Red LIne"

We had discovered that one of my male guppies had a strange red line on his belly. At first it would seem to appear and disappear. Eventually it remained. Fearing it was a parasite I decided I would euthanize him in hopes of containing the problem. When I took him out of the tank I looked him over closely and it was actually two red lines, very sharp and crisp like veins.

Fastforward to now. Another male guppy in my tank took ill and I posted the topic Slow Motion Guppy

I noticed my guppy was moving very slowly, normal swimming just really slowly. I was starting to believe it could be the shimmies... I intended to go the next day to buy some medication. In the meantime I decided to salt my tank. The next morning my guppy had stringy white poop (That lasted the day) and two ich spots. So, I changed my mind and decided to treat that. My guppy ended up dieing during the night last night... he must have not been dead long when I found him as no decomposition had set in yet. I netted him and gave him a good look over. On his belly he had a red line... but not crisp and veiny like my other guppy... this one looked more smudged... sort of like if you had drawn a red line and got water on it and it got smudged.

SO... now I'm worried these two incidents are linked.... and I still don't know what it is! To me, it doesn't sound like camallanus or septicemia. I read only ONE message board post I found through good from years ago describing the exact same thing... but that thread never came to an answer. I can't find anything else that describes anything similar.

Hoping someone can make sense of what happened to each of my fish so I can prevent this from happening to the others in my male guppy tank.
You mention it doesn't sound like septicemia...can you detail what leads you to this. Without seeing the fish that was my first thought, that or some other type of blood borne bacterial infection. But since you can see the fish and I can't I'm hoping you can shed light on why you think it's not that.
Let me name my guppies so its less confusing. Ben10 is the one in the "red line" post and Mystery is the one from the "slow motion guppy" post.

First, Ben10... the descriptions I've been reading online doesn't sound like septicemia. He only had a red vein-like line on him. He didn't have any other patches and so on. (There is a picture posted in my "Red Line" thread).

Secondly, Mystery... I find him more difficult since he had more symptoms. Behavior wise, I think the change in behavior is too general to be linked to any one ailment and be confident of being right. Plus there were no red marks at all until after death... once dead Mystery had a red line in the same place that Ben10 had except it was less vein like and looked more like there had been a line that got smudged.

I just don't think the appearance of either looked like septicemia either.


Just gone back and copied my link to Ben10's photo to make that easier...
Hi sorry to hear about your problems.. I have the same problem with my guppies at mo with the vein , the first was a month ago and he ended staying on the bottom and was being picked on so put him to sleep as not in good way now 2nd male is showing same signs , they are all over a year old so not sure if age has to do with this ? but healthy apart from this .
Hope you dont have any more problems with this , sorry if it looks like I am hyjacking your thread this was not meant only so you no u are not alone with this one
What other symptoms does Ben10 show?
On his belly he had a red line... but not crisp and veiny like my other guppy... this one looked more smudged... sort of like if you had drawn a red line and got water on it and it got smudged.

Red streaking?
I'm still leaning toward bacterial infection. Perhaps not septicemia but something. The belly looks a tad distended as well. Though that just might be the angle of the photo.

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