Princes tank has sea monkeys?


Feb 26, 2004
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Shoreham, West sussex, UK

hi all, im abit baffiled, im not sure what sea monkeys are, or what they do, or even what causes them to suddenly appear, so im hoping someone can help ?

In Princes tank theres now just him and a king blue tetra, (all the neons died of old age) but ive noticed hes got sum new tank "mates", who i think are sea monkeys?

will they hurt him? are they safe ? what do they do ? and can anyone update me abt what the hell their for, or how they got there?


Princes Picture
sea monkeys are brine shrimp (the stuff i hatch to feed my baby bettas), it's very unusual for you to be able to grow them just out of nowhere in your tank...are you are they are brine shrimp? :/ to hatch, they need very strong aeration, and then very salty water to live (i think so anyways).

either way your betta will make short work of them :)

that's a pic of a sea monkey aka brine shrimp
cutecotton said:
sea monkeys are brine shrimp (the stuff i hatch to feed my baby bettas), it's very unusual for you to be able to grow them just out of nowhere in your tank...are you are they are brine shrimp? :/ to hatch, they need very strong aeration, and then very salty water to live (i think so anyways).

either way your betta will make short work of them :)

that's a pic of a sea monkey aka brine shrimp
ok, their not sea monkeys then, lol, i got the impression they were, but they look nothing like that!

their tiny, almost dot like in appearance, orangeish in colour, and lots of them! they mainly hang out at the bottom of the tank near the subtrate, but there is so many now, that their everywhere!
hmmm strange, i have no idea what that could be...are you sure they're worms? i wouldn't want anything mysterious and unknown in my tank -_- maybe you should syphon them out and get a closer look?
cutecotton said:
hmmm strange, i have no idea what that could be...are you sure they're worms? i wouldn't want anything mysterious and unknown in my tank -_- maybe you should syphon them out and get a closer look?
im sure their not worms, their more like dots, imagine a tiny money spider, and divide its size into 4, and thats abt the size of these "dot" things.
i might be wrong but, could it be very small brine shrimp, if u feed ur fish that a few could hae gotton away and spawned?
tony92 said:
i might be wrong but, could it be very small brine shrimp, if u feed ur fish that a few could hae gotton away and spawned?
hmmmmm, im really not sure, as i dont often feed him brine shrimp, and when i do, their the freshly sealed packeds from tetrafin i think ? the 1s with individual packs so their always fresh ?(their in a box, duno if that helps u know which type i mean, lol)

does anyone else have any ideas what these lil things cud be ?
i highly doubt they are brine shrimp as brine shrimp eggs needs to be hatched in very salty water and with lots of aeration :/ and i dont' think your brine shrimp would live long enough in a tank to reproduce..if you use those packs thing then they are definitely dead!

that is really hey have legs?
perhaps they could be daphnia? they showed up in one of my tanks once...
although daphnia arent orange...

well, thats my guess.
Do they move at all? Are you sure they are alive? It's possible your tetra could have laid eggs, isn't it?

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