Price Of Strip Test Kits.


Sep 24, 2012
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Manchester UK
Before you all start shouting the test strips are useless, I know.

I went on Ebay to see if I could get a decent water test kit a bit cheaper but looking I saw some people selling the strip kits for £9 plus p&p and some were more than that, but someone new to the hobby will buy I suppose.

I do have a Nutrafin test kit but the chemicals are running low so I was just looking to see if I could see a replacement and/or a different make.
Before you all start shouting the test strips are useless, I know.

I went on Ebay to see if I could get a decent water test kit a bit cheaper but looking I saw some people selling the strip kits for £9 plus p&p and some were more than that, but someone new to the hobby will buy I suppose.

I do have a Nutrafin test kit but the chemicals are running low so I was just looking to see if I could see a replacement and/or a different make.
If your tanks is cycled and you do not have to test daily but only weekly/every 2 weeks, I stick with the drops . I have nothing but issues with strips and actually laugh when I go the pet store and see someone bring in a return fish only to see them pull out strips to test the water sample. I mean you should not be test all that often anymore right? Or just pick up a kit and then maybe get an extra NO3 test kit too because that would be the one you would use the most of ... this of course is IMO.

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