Power Cut Killed My Fish When I Was On Holidays.


New Member
Nov 19, 2015
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Hello Fishlovers,
Yes, alas, my three fish died as a power cut happened when i was away. I have a 125 litre tank. Fish had been in it for around 8 months.
Im wondering how to make the tank suitable for new fish. It was off for maybe 1-2 days. Obviously the tempreture plumetted. Does that mean all my bacteria are dead, and i should start a new cycle from scratch?
I put some new bacteria in from that stresszyme stuff. What else do i need to do to get a new cycle going?
Any help would be greatly appreciated,
Thanks alot,
Your bacteria *should* be all right, so long as the temperatures didn't get ridiculously cold - and since you're in the UK, so long as you're not right at the top of Ben Nevis, I don't think things would have been that cold.
The best thing to do would be to get down to Homebase, and get some bottled ammonia from their Household Cleaning section. Follow the instructions in our Fishless Cycling instructions, and you should see the ammonia & consequent nitrite being processed down to 0 pretty quickly. When that happens, as per that artice, go get some more fish.
I personally don't rate Stresszyme.

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