Possible White Spot Outbreak On My Dwarf Gourami


New Member
Sep 8, 2012
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I have just noticed that about 8 white spots have appeared on the body and fins on one of my dwarf gourami's.

Is this a case of white spot ??
If it is, how should it be treated ??
Is it contagious ??

I have a Rio 125 tank with the following fish:

2x dwarf gourami
6x guppies
6x Cardinal tetras
6x Glowlight tetras
3x shrimp

I tested the water last night and the amonia was 0, the nitrites were 0 and the nitrates were 40 ... PH 6.8

I also did a 50% water change yesterday, the tank is quite heavily planted so the gourami's do have a habit of hiding and I only noticed the spots today.

Any help would be much appreciated.
If it's whitespot, then it looks like grains of salt or sugar sitting on the fish's body, rather than discolouration of the scales.

Yes, it's contagious. Very much so.

Visit your local LFS and buy a treatment. I have successfully used Protozin by Waterlife to treat whitespot. Follow the instructions to the letter, including the bit about continuing treatment after the spots have disappeared. This is important.

Don't isolate the fish, treat the entire tank.
Thanks for the info.

At work at the moment, so will have a proper look when I get back home ... But I get the feeling it is the dreaded whitespot !
Don't panic - I've had 2/3 outbreaks of whitespot, and not lost a fish to it yet *Touches wood*
Having just done a little more research and having see a few images of fish with whitespot, I don't think this is now the problem.

The spots are much larger than a grain of sugar/salt, they are more like white blemishes of around 0.5cm in size.
Having just done a little more research and having see a few images of fish with whitespot, I don't think this is now the problem.

The spots are much larger than a grain of sugar/salt, they are more like white blemishes of around 0.5cm in size.

So, like discoloured scales?

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