Possible Led Lighting For My Hillstream Tank


Fish Gatherer
Feb 16, 2011
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Hi all. I have decided to move my hillstream tank downstairs and am in the process of making a cabinet and hood. Whilst I am doing this, I am going to upgrade the lighting (a long overdue task). I am currently only running a single 15w T5 and need to up it considerably.

I was thinking of getting a twin 39w T5 starter, but was wondering how I would go about making an LED setup. I am normally very handy with making things, but do not understand what parts I would need or the theory behind LED's.

If someone could please help me than it would be much appreciated.

Tank stats and needs: 36 inches long, 18 inches deep and 130l. My aim is to grow lots of healthy algae in mass amounts, as the loaches like to graze on the organisms which live in it. I was thinking somewhere in the range of at least 80 watts.
Hi - I did a very detailed DIY for leds - the link is in my signature. Let me know if you have questions after looking that over. Thanks!

Greenville Guy

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