Poor Health Of Fish At Lfs


Fish Fanatic
Aug 25, 2012
Reaction score
Loch Lomond
I went to my LFS to seek another Clown loach after one of mine killed himself with the powerhead. Took a look round and got to the tank with the clown loaches, Poor things they looked pale and some had white spot, they were basically half dead, there was even a part of a dead clown loach getting eaten by the tetras that were in there.Obviously I didnt by them so I told the guy behind the counter and he said sometimes they are like that, I then just walked out saying nothing.

Will never be going there to buy any fish at all. Only the ornaments and the fish food they have will only bring me into that shop again.
I hate it when they do that. Whenever me and my friend go into our lfs we inspect all the fish. Sometimes we tell the person at the desk, but they never listen. I may be young, but I know more about fish than the average adult. Luckily at my lfs it's never anywhere near that bad.
i go in my lfs just to check on the fish, you see the odd dead fish but they havent been there long and usually someone in there cleaning about which is good :) i never by from there though because i have gift vouchers from MA :)
Luckily my LFS usually has very healthy fish. Never seen anything alarming as far as stock goes. Knowledge is a different story.... I had to listen to them tell a lady that a male betta and fancy guppies work. And then they told me I could put 10 green spotted puffers in a 30 gallon...
maidenhead aquatics is ment to know what they are taking about, but when i first got my 20L, they allowed me to buy a blackmoor and 2 platies all for the same tank! i feel really bad about that now, the blackmoor got whitespot and died and so did one of the platies, shockingly one is still alive loving life in the new tank. it also wasnt cycled and they knew that cuz they asked me how long it had been running!
I bought some from my local Shop and within a week i had lost all the fish i bought and 10 from my tank due to white spot. I Have bought most of my fish from this shop and had a problem with white spot before this incident. Is it to do with the fish or the amount i buy each visit ? must admit i pushed it a bit as i got 6 Cardinal tetras at once. My tank is a 90Litre and has been up and running for a year now.
Bear in mind we cant go down the route of naming and shaming shops. It's not like it benefits any members o keep reading shops being slated, the only benefit is that someone gets to feel a little better after a rant. A lot of problems can be interpreted in many ways, for example, to the OP... clown loaches are the bane of every fish shops existance! We all know clown loaches can pick up white spot for no obvious reason but when they have just endured being caught from the wild/pools where they have been grown on, shipped all the way here and then put onto a system with really bright lights, strong flow and lots of movement and people moving about. All it takes is one to get white spot and itspreads like nobodies business. The shop worker might not have madea fuss over you saying the fish are sick because they might already have known and would go look at them as soon as you had gone. Its what I do, I dont make a big fuss and run in a panic down to the shop, wouldnt help fish or customers.

There is always more than one side to every story.

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