Mostly New Member
Hi i set up my new 68l tropical fish tank 7 weeks ago, 3 week ago i bought 6 small neons and 9 guppies. A week later i noticed that one of my guppys fin was half missing with white around it, the next day another had white around his mouth and stopped eating, i went to the petshop and was given some medication for them and told it was my water conditions, i checked them as soon as i got home and my water was perfect? i done a water change anyway and started the medication. The next day i lost one of my males that had been fine a couple of hours before and had no white on him? over the next few days the fish got worse and got told to use a different medication so i did, my fish got worse, i belive it is fungus? i lost three fish with fungus and lost another lastnight who didnt have anything on him and had seemed fine untill he started laying on the gravel struggling. Today i have put the last dose of medication in and it doesnt seem to be getting anybetter! my female is the only one left with fungus and her top fin has gone and is replaced by white cotton wool, she wont eat and is also pregnant, my other female is sitting on the gravel at the bottom of the tank looking very weak but no fungus, my last female is always hiding at the bottom of the tank but looks completly healthy and comes up to eat but goes straight back to hiding afterwards? i have one male who seems to be fine but i dont no what to do anymore? i have been testing my water everyday with my mums master test kit and its perfect no ammonia or nitrate! i have a really good filter with air bubbles, my neons are very happy and healthy and growing fast. could anybody advise me on what to do? what medication to try that will work? i dont have another tank to seperate them, i do have snails in my tank that came with my weeds that were supposed to be dipped in copper! could they hace caused this?? i just dont want to lose anymore fish
The medication i have used is,
interpet anti fungus and finrot and, waterlife protozin.
It wont let me upload any pictures as they are too big.

The medication i have used is,
interpet anti fungus and finrot and, waterlife protozin.
It wont let me upload any pictures as they are too big.